Thames Valley Morris Men

Dancing in Surrey since 1952.


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Phil Mundy

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Thames Valley Document Archive

(Click on a folder to open it, and click on a document to view it)

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Cyril and Jim

This folder contains personal reminiscences by two of the founder members of Thames Valley MM.

Cyril Smith's files are copies of his typewritten autobiography. On the final page of the text Cyril wrote, "I am grateful to my younger daughter, Margot, for her suggestion that my story be word-processed, to my elder daughgter, Jennifer, for her help in the final arrangement of material, to Sue Scott, of Codsall near Wolverhampton, for processing and printing it, and to Ruth (Databasics) for binding it. October 1987, C.D.Smith"

Jim Brooks' files are scans from 9 hand-written notebooks kept by him from the beginning of TVMM in 1952 until 1983. The first page of the first notebook is headed "LOG OF THAMES VALLEY MORRIS MEN and clearly predates the typed log books produced by Cyril. Cyril obviously relied heavily on Jim's notebooks particularly for the early years, but they are not exact copies partly because Cyril and Jim did not necessarily attend the same events. Also, as the years went by, Jim participated less and Cyril more. Nevertheless it is clear that Jim's notebooks were one of the main sources for Cyril's Log Books. Cyril arranged for the typed logs of the first 25 years to be bound by Alison Bailey in the late 1970s, which may have been when he finished typing the log, relying on JIm's notebooks and his own memories.


Cyril Smiths Autobiography part 1.pdf

Cyril Smiths Autobiography part2 .pdf

JB 1952 to 1957.pdf

JB 1958 to 1962.pdf

JB 1963.pdf

Last updated on 6th of July 2024