Thames Valley Morris Men

Dancing in Surrey since 1952.


For more information contact our bagman
Phil Mundy

or follow us on

Join Us!

Join Us.

Our Winter 2023/24 practice is currently running, and we are practising every Tuesday night.

Throughout January 2024, starting on January 2nd, we will be running sessions geared to new dancers and beginners, so a great time to start. Now we are open to everyone, men and women.

We are always on the lookout for new performers - musicians are just as important as dancers - so come along and meet us at any of our events or Tuesday practices. Once you start practices, you'll find a warm welcome and sympathetic instruction – new dancers will be dancing a dance on the first evening and probably performing in public by Boxing Day.

Our dancing season lasts from May until September, and during the rest of the year we practice on most Tuesday evenings from 8.00 p.m. at the Claygate Youth and Community Hub, Elm Road, Claygate KT10 0EH. Take a look at the Logbook in the Document Archive to get an idea of how often and where we dance. 

So if you are interested in joining us, come along on a Tuesday, or just drop us an email and we will be in touch.

For more details contact the Bagman on

Last updated on 6th of July 2024